Atracio CRM enables personalized and scalable customer relationship management, allowing you to manage and track your sales pipeline and digitize the work of your field teams.


Customizable Customer Profiles

Assign fully customizable profiles for each customer and get a complete history of their activity with a single click for simplified and effective support.

Comprehensive Sales Process Tracking

Track each stage of the process, from lead generation to closing the sale. To visualize ongoing opportunities and identify bottlenecks for accelerating conversions.


Sales Pipeline Planning

Plan your pipeline and configure specific stages for each sales team for effective resource management and balanced task distribution.

Integrated Mobile CRM

Instantly access the mobile CRM via your phone for entering customer orders and noting business actions wherever you are and at any time.

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The Atracio Difference

Boost your CRM function with Atracio

Lead Management

Convert your leads into customers with unprecedented efficiency through our intuitive interaction tracking system.

Sales Forecasting

Anticipate future sales performance with remarkable precision. Thanks to advanced analysis tools and visualization of your sales pipeline.

Email Messaging

Send, receive, and automatically record your emails, and synchronize your calendars from a centralized platform.

Discover the power of Atracio

Turn your warehouses, fleet, and assets into a competitive advantage, not just a cost.