Designed to optimize your procurement processes and inform your decision-making, Atracio’s Procurement module allows you to automate your supplier management and optimize your procurement planning.


Optimized Procurement Processes

Benefit from the automated generation of your purchase orders, purchase invoices, and goods receipts through the cloning capabilities provided by Atracio.

Fast Interface

Synchronize your existing management systems with Atracio in real-time to quickly continue your procurement operations.


Automated Payment Management

Perform the entry, editing, and allocation of your supplier payments, whether they are individual or consolidated, to optimize costs and improve supplier relationship management.

Automated Alerts

Be automatically alerted for any procurement needs to avoid stockouts by implementing a system to track inventory levels and proactive replenishment.


The Atracio Difference

Boost your Procurement Function with Atracio

Shared Operations

A shared flow between your procurement module and your WMS for better planning.

Supplier Spotlight

A 360° view of each of your clients (quotes, orders, sales, invoices, delivery notes).

Dynamic Dashboard

An overall view of all the key indicators of your sales management.

Automated Alerts

Put an end to stockouts with automated restocking alerts.

Comprehensive Repository

Make quick and informed decisions using a multi-criteria search and validation engine.

Threshold Management

Management of validation thresholds for procurement operations for each of your collaborators.

Discover the power of Atracio

Turn your warehouses, fleet, and assets into a competitive advantage, not just a cost.